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Does Air Conditioning Boost Your Home's Resale Value?

Dernière modification: 21 mai 2024

When buying or selling a house, numerous factors come into play to determine the property's value. Among these factors, the presence of an efficient air conditioning system can play a crucial role. But does it really increase the resale value of your house? The answer is a resounding yes. Let's explore why.

Why Does an Air Conditioner Increase the Value of Your Home?

Quebecers spend on average 90% of their time indoors, making indoor air quality essential for the health and comfort of occupants (Source: Especially during the summer, particularly during heatwaves, the indoor temperature of buildings without air conditioning can significantly exceed the outdoor temperature, a phenomenon called "building overheating". This overheating can lead to serious health problems, such as heatstroke or exhaustion, especially for people with chronic illnesses or those taking certain medications. An increase in hospitalizations and mortality, mainly in urban areas, is also observed during these periods of intense heat.

With the humidex factor, summers in Quebec can become extremely hot and humid. Therefore, the real estate market in Quebec favors houses that offer optimal thermal comfort throughout the year. For buyers, a house equipped with a modern and efficient air conditioning system is a real asset. A good air conditioning system can significantly improve the quality of life during the sweltering summer months. This is why an air conditioning system increases a property's value.

Type of Air Conditioner

There are two main categories of air conditioners – individual air conditioners and central air conditioners. Each of these categories includes several models with various maintenance costs. For example, a forced air central air conditioner, known for its discretion and efficiency, may have a more significant impact on the resale value than a wall unit, depending on the age of the device and its maintenance and operating costs.

Consult Gail Meili, Your Residential Real Estate Expert

When it comes to understanding the resale value of your property, Gail Meili, your residential real estate broker, is an invaluable asset. Gail offers expert insights into how your air conditioning system can impact your home's market value and can recommend effective strategies to attract potential buyers.

Gail Meili, a residential real estate broker based in Vaudreuil-Dorion, can be reached at or by phone at 514-969-4134. She is well-equipped to assist with your real estate needs in the region, offering expert advice and insights to help you navigate the Quebec real estate market effectively.


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